"Yeah!" She looks at you closely. "You're cute!" She runs up and gives you all kisses. It's very, very strange. 0 boyfriend 14 "I'm looking for a boyfriend spider! Or a boyfriend!" "My name is spider." It seems to be trying to use the spider equivalent of a come-hither voice. You see a really big spider. It sidles up close to you. 0 stnd 14 "I really want to find a mate, and have a whole bunch of baby spiders! But I also want to catch some gnats! It's really, really confusing." 0 decided 13 "I haven't decided." "I'm spider!" You see a giant spider. It sees you, and bounces up and down in happiness. 0 stnd 13 "OK... Sometimes I get all hungry/ And then I catch some flies/ They fly into my webs/ They are really yummy guys." "Neat huh?" Your ears hurt. A nearby spider swoons. 0 song 12 "I'm a singing spider. Would you like a song?" It stops singing. "My name is spider!" You see a giant spider. It is singing. 0 stnd 12 "Yeah! Watch this..." It waves its front legs around, and shouts "BOOM!" Then it looks at you. "That wasn't very impressive. I know. But someday I might cast spells as good as an aranea!" 0 spells 11 "I'm trying to learn magic spells." "You guys are humans! Neat!" It leaps up and down in happiness. "My name is spider!" You see a large spider. It's staring at you. 0 stnd 11 "Yeah! You see, when you like, want food, you can build a web, and then bugs will fly into eat, and you can eat them! Yum!" It looks one of you over. "You're cute! Want a date?" 0 useful 10 "Yeah! My mission is to walk around and look at the webs, to make sure they're safe and stuff. You know, webs are very useful!" 0 inspect 10 "I'm an inspection spider! Neat, huh?" "My name is spider." You see a spider walking around, looking at the webs. 0 stnd 10 "Yeah. Sometimes mean people come, or nasty aranea. When they do, I do this!" It runs up suddenly, and kicks you on the shin. It backs up. "That sure shows 'em!" 0 guard 9 "I'm a guard spider!" "Spider! Neat name, huh?" You see a big spider. It sees you. 0 stnd 9 "I was looking for a fly!" It thinks. "But then I caught one! And I ate it! It was yummy!" It thinks more. "Some spiders like gnats more. They're silly." 0 mission 8 "I'm looking for a cute girl spider! I was on a big mission, but I finished it." "My name is spider!" You see a spider. It stares at you happily with its big beady eyes. 0 stnd 8 "He's a HUGE spider! Like a god! And he makes huge spider god webs, and he catches really BIG flies, and he does stuff, and stuff! It's NEAT!" Nearby spiders stop and listen to this, fascinated. 0 lord 7 "I am an old spider. I teach the littler spiders of the great Spider Lord!" "I'm an elder spider! My name is spider!" You see a gigantic spider. 0 stnd 7 "Yeah! I can't build webs yet. They fall down. And I catch gnats, cause flies are tougher to catch! Someday, I'll be a big spider, and then I'll be bigger!" It bounces up and down in happiness. 0 baby 6 "I'm a baby spider!" "I'm a baby spider! My name is spider!" You see a smallish spider. It giggles when it sees you. 0 stnd 6 "A bunch of mean people came here once. We webbed them all in a cave. You can't get to it now. If you freed our friend, we'd take the barrier down and you could go in and take their silly things!" 0 reward 5 "I've been trying to get a nice cute human to rescue her. We could give a reward!" "Yeah." It suddenly turns sad. Its forelegs droop. "One of our spiders was captured by the aranea. They're smart mean spiders. They live in another cave, to the ..." It struggles to remember the word. "... west!" 0 mission 5 "Yeah! They're slower than flies, and meatier! And they walk instead of fly! And they shoot fireballs, so you have to be careful! Or is that aranea? They're silly!" 0 cockroach 5 "I'm looking for flies! I met this human once, and he told me there were things called cockroaches, which are really yummy, but I've never found any, so I eat flies." "Hi! I'm spider!" You see a spider wandering around, looking for flies. 0 stnd 5 "Yeah! Looking for gnats! They're yummy!" 0 mission 4 "I'm hunting for gnats. Other spiders like flies, which are yummy, but I think gnats are even yummier!" It runs around in little blissful circles. "You might have heard of me! My name is spider!" You see a big spider. It's jumping around happily. 0 stnd 4 "You know! I do spider things! Building webs! Meeting cute spiders! Laying hundreds of eggs! You guys are cute!" 0 spider 3 "I'm a spider!" "Hi! I'm spider! You guys are cute!" It jumps up and down in happiness. You see a big spider. 0 stnd 3 "Yeah! I was on a mission! I was looking for a mate! Then I could have a few hundred baby spiders! That would be neat!" It jumps up and down joyfully. 0 mission 2 "Well, not really destroyed. I forgot where it was." 0 destroyed 2 It's voice turns sad. "I'm making a new web. The old one got destroyed. It's making me really sad. I can't work on my mission." "Hi! Wow! You're humans! My name's spider!" You see a very large spider. It's looking at you. 0 stnd 2 "Yeah! You know, you're kinda' cute!" It runs up and kisses you on the shin. 0 mate 1 "I'm looking for a mate. It's tough. All the cute male spiders are busy." "My name is spider! You're cute!" You see a very large spider. It's looking at you. 0 stnd 1 "I'm looking for flies! They're yummy!" "Hi! I'm spider!" You see a very large spider. It's looking at you. 0 stnd 0 "They're nasty!" 0 aranea 25 "Neat! Where?" 0 gnats 25 "Yum!" 0 flies 25 "You're silly!" 36 1 Spider Cave